We’ll be back soon…promise!

van rainbow

We’ve had a lot going on this summer at Miss MorningWood.  We bought a van, got rid of most everything we own and moved to the mountains.  Sarah also got hit by a car while crossing the street and Ashley ended up in the ER on our first week here in Denver.  We had an amazing adventure along the way that we can’t wait to share with you and we already have our next Lucky 13 artist ready to over-share.  As for the werkshop, we are busy building a live/ work space with a built in “treehouse”, finally found some legit repurposed wood sources and have an art fest in October that we are prepping for.  But we really miss this little blog and all of the connections we’ve made and we can’t wait to get back to it.  Doing my wordpress homework and hoping to have some more appealing features when we return.  We Wish You Were Here and will See You Soon!