Why Blog?


Honestly? It gives meaning to my insatiable social media desires. As hard as I try, I just can’t stay away from the voyeuristic temptations of Instagram.  I can’t help it, I really want to know who your woman crush wednesday is.  And who likes your woman crush wednesday. But like any good drug, I end up feeling pretty strung out and empty at the end of my creeper binge.  This blog gives (some) purpose to my desires and I now know what it is I am searching for.


Finding Sarah was like finding a best friend when I was 8 and awkward and alone.  From the first week we met we started to create together.  Nothing intentional or noteworthy, but meaningful nonetheless.  Sure, our paintings were of Daria, narwhals and splatter paint jiz. And yea, maybe we built forts and made costumes instead of going out like grown ups.  But I think what we were really doing was finding something we lost in childhood.  That something that let our imaginations run wild.  We forgot about being cool and created a magic interior world where anything was possible.  But just like middle school, I woke up one day and realized all of the other girls my age had moved on to other things and other friends.  I am so grateful to have found my bff and boo boo in one quirky and beautiful girl crush, but I still wonder where all the other weirdos are.  And by weirdos I mean, where are all of the other girls who would rather dress up like mermaids and drive up the coast to collect drift wood for reclaimed furniture?  Not in a hippy way, not in a tripper way and not in a crafty mom way… in a really fashionable, absurd, intelligent, irreverent and possibly even gay kind of way.  Image

I don’t know where exactly these other trouble starter, noise makers are, but I know they are out there.  Making a living making things (especially things made with hammers and nails) has not been so friendly to females.  It can be lonely trying make your way in a world that wasn’t made for you.  So we are trying to forge our own path and find success in our own way.  To us that means collaborating instead of competing with each other.  Women have always been makers, infusing design and beauty into functional items and everyday events.  I see it in the stories we tell, the clothes we wear, the meals we make AND in the art we create, the blogs we write, and the future we design.  Women dominate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.   We need to use these paths to find our way back to best friends who inspire dreams and fairy godmother who make anything possible.  I am so excited to find, follow, like and share other women makers, movers and shakers.  Who run the world?
