Lucky 13: Abs for Days

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Miss MorningWood is about women following their dreams, finding their passions and supporting others along the way.  That is why we thought Jibby from Abs for Days was a perfect woman owned shout out.  Just reading her Lucky 13 interview gets me pumped to reach my goals. Whether you are aspiring to carve a new six pack or to carve a new live slab table, her enthusiasm is contagious.

1.What are you working on at the moment? I’m currently working on a brand new fitness training technique that I plan to launch January 2015. I can’t share much about it, but it incorporates my love for music and fitness! I’m changing the “workout experience” and taking it to the next level!

2.What drives you to do what you do?  Passion. It’s the core in all that I do. I LOVE what I do every single day. I care about every email I write and every interaction I have. Passion is KEY.

3.What is it like to be a woman in your line of work?  It’s definitely a challenge to be a woman in my line of work; especially with where I plan to take my business. My goal is to get more women into gyms and to break that “intimidation” that is expressed by most women about stepping into a gym. I remember when I “earned” my spot with hte boys at the gym…. it shouldn’t be like that! I’m a small petite thing and physique is judged intensely in the fitness industry. It’s a lot to keep up with my own personal fitness journey as well as working with others. But, I do know people see what I’m doing and that I am unstoppable; so it’s been worth the hard work!

4.Do you have any regrets? I don’t think there is space for regrets. I am an entrepreneur and everything I do is a lesson. If something doesn’t work as planned, I change it. If it works, I see how I can enhance it. All the “rocky patches” are the times I learn the most and gain wisdom and experience from. I do wish I really understood that I was capable of this at a younger age; but again …. I feel I am a pioneer in the entrepreneur realm. So, I do not have any regrets. Everything teaches & inspires me.

5.Do you have any scars?  I have TONS of scars, and I love them all. It’s an addition to my “fingerprint” and I wouldn’t be the same without them all. My favorite is the scar in my dimple … precious right?!

6.What do you believe in? I believe in me. I believe in love. I believe in respect. I believe in goals and dreams of all people. I believe in future generations. I am a believer; of many things!

7.What is your best dream? The best dream I had was when I was DJ’ing in Hawaii underwater at this goegeous secret island. It was complete bliss and you can only imagine how upset I was to open my eyes and not be in Hawaii …. face palm!

8.What could you not live without as an artist? I cannot, and will not, live without music. It is beyond impossible to get through any day without listening to music and being inspired by beats from all over the globe.

9.What is your guiltiest pleasure? Doritos. Ya, I said it. I can’t help it! Add a Snickers in there … I’m in for the night! HA!

10.Who is your Woman Crush Wenesday?  MANKO! Ugh. Melt. Moment of silence. She is a gorgeous woman in the fitness industry; and I have the biggest crush on her because she is 100% real and true to herself. She shows her silly side, but is very driven and works very hard! Plus …. she’s a DIME!

11.Which woman artist out there today would you love to shine the spotlight on? PUSH! She is an amazing Bay Area artist and is now learning the craft of tattooing. Her art is ALL over the Bay and her talent is raw and amazing. Check her out …

12.Where can we stalk you? (websites, blogs, social media info) I’m all over! FIND ME: IG – @Jibbography FB – Website –

13.Anything else you’d like to (over)share? I just really love to inspire people to do what they love and follow their dreams. It’s not easy. It can get expensive. But the joy that it brings to your soul cannot be beat. Love yourself enough to work hard at what you want…. it WILL come!